
National Quality Framework

The Federal Government introduced the National Quality Framework (NQF) in 2012 to address all aspects of children's learning and provide guidance and principles under which early learning centres operate.  Included in the National Quality Framework are - 

  • National Regulations and National Law
  • National Quality Standards
  • Approved Learning Framework - Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and MyTime Our Place (MTOP)
  • Assessment and Rating Process

As a registered early learning centre, our service is subject to and operates under the National Quality Framework.  A copy of this Framework is available onsite at the ELC.

A key element of the NQF is the Approved Learning Framework for which the ELC implements the EYLF.  There are three main themes running through the EYLF - Being, Belonging and Becoming.

Belonging is the basis for living a fulfilling life. Children feel they belong because of the relationships they have with their family, community, culture and place. The College also teaches students that a loving God has created them and that belonging to His family is one of life’s greatest joys.  

Being is about living here and now. Childhood is a special time in life and children need time to just ‘be’; time to play, try new things, and have fun within reasonable behavioural boundaries. The College values diversity and aims to promote an environment in which individuals are accepted and included regardless of difference. 

Becoming is about learning and development. As our children develop their sense of identity, together with parents we aim to instil in them the College’s values and a faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to shape the type of adult they will become.  

Under the National Quality Standards, the ELC has developed a Quality Improvement Plan which is available for families to view in the entrance area.  This plan is reviewed every year through a self assessment and by gathering feedback from all stakeholders.  Our current identified areas for improvement are available in the entrance area.

The ELC participated in the Assessment and Rating process in April 2021 and received an overall rating of Meeting the National Quality Standards (NQS) with the results for each quality area listed below:

Quality Area 1 - Educational Program and Practice - Exceeding NQS

Quality Area 2 - Children's Health and Safety - Meeting NQS

Quality Area 3 - Physical Environment - Meeting NQS

Quality Area 4 - Staffing Arrangements - Meeting NQS

Quality Area 5 - Relationships with Children - Meeting NQS

Quality Area 6 - Collaborative Partnerships with Families and Community - Exceeding NQS

Quality Area 7 - Governance and Leadership - Exceeding NQS