
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a program first introduced in the United Kingdom in 1956. The aim of the program is to motivate young people aged between 14 and 18 to become involved in a balanced program of voluntary self-development activities to take them through the potentially difficult period between adolescence and adulthood. It provides students with the opportunity focus their interests, discover their world, connect with others, improve their abilities, and develop themselves in the context of a variety of physical and personal challenges.

The Award has been offered at the College for several years. Students set their own goals and work towards them for the duration of the program. The College’s Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator guides students through the process and assists with the tracking of requirements, although students are expected to take initiative and monitor their own commitment and progress, including the completion of the required documentation. Students’ achievements are personal and not bench-marked against others.

Year 9 students begin at the Bronze level and progress through Silver and Gold in subsequent years. Typically, each Award level takes a minimum of one year to complete and can be continued after school up until the age of 25 years.

An information evening is held for interested students and parents at the beginning of each calendar year. Alternately, interested parties may email the Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator at tashouriharris@nwcc.nsw.edu.au for further information about the program.